Obviously historiography [writing history] cannot
be a science. It can only be an industry, an art, and a
philosophy – an industry by ferreting out the facts, an art by
establishing a meaningful order in the chaos of materials, a
philosophy by seeking perspective and enlightenment." - Will and
Ariel Durant, The Lessons of History (1968)
History is philosophy teaching by examples. -
HISTORY, n. An account mostly false, of
events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers
mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools. - Ambrose Bierce
History is more or less bunk. -- Henry Ford
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
-- Santayana
The history of all hitherto existing society
is the history of class struggles. - Karl Marx
More...What is History?
The History Guide: What is History?
A series of quotations about history and the
historian's craft.
Renaissance Secrets: What is History?
Four historians ask the question "What is
history," exploring issues
of evidence, interpretation, race, gender and crisis.
History in Focus: What is History?
Articles focusing on the theme "What is history?"
The History of Women's History